a Teach-In on Borders & Migration
October 2020
©2020, California College of the Arts, unless otherwise noted
Identity & Web Design by Howsem Huang

Video Artist Talk

Arleene Correa Valencia

Hyper Visible
CCA MFA, 2020

Arleene Correa Valencia is a Mexican artist living and working between San Francisco and Napa, California. In 2020 Arleene completed her Masters of Fine Arts at California College of the Arts in San Francisco. Correa Valencia recently received a regional Emmy award for her feature REPRESENT by KQED Arts. She is a recipient of Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals, which she has used to work and study since 2012. Correa Valencia is one of four children originally from Arteaga, Michoacán, Mexico. Her family migrated to the United States in 1997 and established themselves in California’s wine country, Napa Valley. Her upbringing and migration narrative are the inspiration behind her practice which she uses to explore her identity as a registered “illegal alien.” By exposing and concealing the portrait she reveals the roles that visibility and invisibility take on when communities are labeled as less than and targeted for their lack of documentation, skin color and ethnicity. Correa Valencia ultimately aims to celebrate and validate her communities resilience and strength through large scale works that make it impossible to ignore our current sociopolitical structure.

Arleene Correa Valencia es una artista mexicana que vive y trabaja entre San Francisco y Napa, California. En 2020, Arleene completó su Maestría en Bellas Artes en California College of the Arts en San Francisco. Correa Valencia recibió recientemente un premio Emmy por su largometraje REPRESENT de KQED Arts. Recibió el programa de Acción Diferida Llegadas en la Infancia, que ha utilizado para trabajar y estudiar desde 2012. Correa Valencia es una de cuatro niños originarios de Arteaga, Michoacán, México. Su familia emigró a los Estados Unidos en 1997 y se estableció en la región vinícola de California, Napa Valley. Su narrativa de crianza y migración es la inspiración detrás de su práctica artística, que utiliza para explorar su identidad como “extranjera ilegal.” Al exponer y ocultar el retrato, revela la parte que asume la visibilidad y la invisibilidad cuando las comunidades son etiquetadas como menos que y atacadas por su falta de documentación, color de piel y etnia. Correa Valencia tiene como objetivo en última instancia celebrar y validar la resiliencia y fortaleza de su comunidad a través de obras a gran escala que hacen imposible ignorar nuestra estructura sociopolítica actual.

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©2020, California College of the Arts, unless otherwise noted
Identity & Web Design by Howsem Huang